Let Us Be Those

     Our Guest Poet for this week is Autumn H.

When all are in trial,
When all are in denial,
Let me be the one to share a smile.
Let me be the one to share a dance.
Let it be an advance,
to be enhanced,
when all are weary,
let me be the one to share thinking clearly,
to share being ever so cheery.
This is what I ask.
Because I don’t want us to wear a mask.
So let us join hand-in-hand, for this to be our task.

Autumn has a beautiful website called Sunshine in the Haze. Beautiful because there are many posts that uplift your mind and spirit concerning God’s word. As Autumn told me, “To me, there’s nothing more beautiful than people sharing God’s wonders.” And the way she writes really shows that!

Autumn thank you for sharing your poem with us. Blessings and Peace.

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