Guest Post by Maurice Dyson

when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.
Luke 22:32

A present day revival,
Could further our survival;
The Church has had such turning points before.
The grace of God’s election
Demands our introspection
As we approach that last immortal shore.
When Jacob was returning
From where he’d been sojourning,
His household put away their teraphim.
Because the Lord is holy,
He must be worshipped solely,
For no one reigns on high apart from Him.
Revival time for sinners,
Is when it starts within us,
Our conscience and the Word must be in tune.
The news will be explicit,
And not a soul will miss it,
That Christ is Lord and He is coming soon

The Lord has given Maurice Dyson a wonderful ability to take a passage of Scripture – a story, a Biblical character, a principle of truth – and present it in poetic form.

His aim in writing these poems is to teach people about the Lord, and to draw us back into the Scriptures, so that each of us would search out the wonderful things of God.

This poem is from his book 100 Poems of Praise: Christian Poetry to Praise God.

We would like to thank Mr. Dyson for such a lovely poem.

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