The Garden Of Life

The human mind is like a well groomed garden maze on a luscious chateau.
And the way out only the Gardner knows.

Thoughts, ideas and emotions flowing like high tides of a flood;
Yet you find yourself asking, “Why am I still stuck in this mud?”

Frustration and aggravation are all bottled up inside;
The route of life is one surreal ride!

One moment you’re basking in the sun then the next crashing on the rocks;
Now it’s time to take some serious stock…

Knock! Knock! Who’s there?
You feel like pulling out your hair…

By the black roots of your blonde brain;
“I’ve got to get off this train!”

Round and round and around you go;
Beat the time clock you’re moving too slow!

This ride is headed in the wrong direction;
You’re off course need to make a fast correction!

Listen! Listen! What do you hear?
You’ve finally come face to face with that fear…

Look in the mirror do you like what you see?
“No! No! This really isn’t me!”

Mirror, mirror on the wall;
Who’s the greatest of them all?

The Great One in the mirror you just can’t see;
‘Cause spiritual things aren’t all taken so literally.

Revelation is not sensuous, but comes from above;
Who you truly are can only be seen through agape love.

So step off the train and outside yourself to see at what you look.
Are you good? Are you bad? Are you a giver or a crook?

Look much closes–get face to face;
Suddenly you’ve found your rightful place.

Now you know exactly when and where to stand.
For you are merely on the center stage of life in the center of the Gardner’s plan.

©Rhema International. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission, from this blog’s author and/or owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Rhema International.

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