The Joyful Journey


Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

by Maurice Dyson (Guest Post)

The Lord by His wisdom has founded the earth;
With judgment the heavens were bound;
The depths were divided when formed at their birth,
And dewdrops fell over the ground.

Let wisdom be kept as the gem of your eyes;
Discretion the object you seek;
So they will be life with no semblance of guise,
Transparent and never oblique.

Your steps will be safe in the valley or glade;
Your foot will not slip on the steep;
And when you lie down you will not be afraid,
For sweetness will compass your sleep.

Do not be alarmed by the terror or sword;
If troublesome times overtake;
The Lord will assuredly be your reward;
His loved ones He’ll never forsake.

The Lord has given Maurice Dyson a wonderful ability to take a passage of Scripture – a story, a Biblical character, a principle of truth – and present it in poetic form.

His aim in writing these poems is to teach people about the Lord, and to draw us back into the Scriptures, so that each of us would search out the wonderful things of God.

This poem is from his book 100 Poems of Praise: Christian Poetry to Praise God.

We would like to thank Mr. Dyson for such a lovely poem.

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