A Viewing Heart

by c.f. leach

Peering out my window nobody is there;
‘Cause there’s a silent enemy creeping everywhere.

Could be on a counter-top, in the air or on the handle of a grocery cart;
This thing is keeping family members, best friends; everyone apart.

Yet at the same time this enemy has created in us a new vision,
Away with all the past nonsense that caused so much division…

A long division with lots of remainders and no equal parts,
As we now in totality desire peace and unity in our hearts

How long this will last no one can predict;
While we all watch and wait as the hands of time tick—-

Waiting with anticipation to once again be set free;
Thank God for Christ Jesus hanging on that tree…

Where He was humiliated, mocked and mistreated.
Where our common enemy was at last defeated;

So we could look out our windows and see a new hope,
Which will give us the spirits and strength to cope…

With no fear, uncertainty, but much prayer
For He too, right now, is everywhere.

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