His Passion

In the distance there’s a silhouette of three crosses atop a hill;
On the cross in the middle He who obeyed the Father’s will.

As He gave up the ghost and lowered His head,
All would shortly find out the Son of God was now dead.

But this death was not a permanent state,
When the Sanhedrin caught wind it was much too late…

To hide the truth no matter how many coins were paid;
For the tomb was now empty where He had once laid.

And Mary ran quickly to spread the word;
How He had risen just as they’d heard…

When He told them aforetime what was to come,
As He advanced the kingdom of the Holy One.

For all those who would believe on His name;
And for those who did their lives would never be the same…

From a sacrifice He made to reconcile us,
Back into the Heavenly Father’s trust.

Now ascended and sitting on the right hand of God’s throne,
To intercede on our behalf so we’ll never again be alone.

© c.f. leach

© Rhema International. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission, from this blog’s author and/or owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Rhema International. Revised by c.f. leach on 12/30/20.

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