Was Lost But Now Am Found

by c.f. leach

I have a cell phone in my bed
A remote control somewhere over my head
Wakin’ up to the sounds of MTV
The singer’s lyrics make no sense to me

Still hazy from the night before
Feels like I had a bout with Tyson my body is sore
One week in hell and beyond
The stress and strain makes me want to abscond…

Into the Twilight Zone
A new dimension where I am unknown
A place of peace and creativity
A whole new world, an adventure to see…

Consisting of meekness, compassion, love and happiness
A residence where all shortcomings can be addressed
In obscurity, where the soul can be cleaned
And somehow the anointing redeemed

When back from the Zone one is renewed
With more strength and vigor; all dreams can now be pursued
And one is thankful for the mental vacation
This spirit is replenished— filled with such expectation

Now returning to the battle of life where we must go
When this war is over nobody knows
At least now in this fight you’ve got the edge
You won’t be found standing on that ledge…

The very platform from which many have plunged to their end
You shall fight and you shall win
For you did not plunge but you learned to fly
Because you chose not to buy into defeat’s lie.

Climbing back into the ring until the final bell is rung
‘Til the final tear is shed and final song is sung
All the lessons have been taught
And all the flowers have been brought

There is silence all around
You cannot be found
For man’s spirit is gone never to earth shall return
If the time is well spent in sacrifice he may have earned

The right to be an angel of the light
Perhaps some of life’s wrongs he was able to make right
Fond memories will always be in the hearts of those who were near
Memories of love, joy, special moments and good cheer

For life is but one grain of sand
Falling through the cracks of our mortal hands
Onto a beach where each grain shines differently in the sun
Who answers to one name called by the Holy One.

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